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You're viewing Zoo Tycoon: Dinosaur Digs Cheat Codes

Game Name : Zoo Tycoon: Dinosaur Digs
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-06-02 08:23:30
Views : 36467

Extra money
While playing a game, press [Shift] + 4 to get more money.

Name cheats (Submitted By : QTPIE22490)
Rename one of your guests to the following entries to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect - Code
Blue guests and buildings - Mr. Blue
Yellow guests and buildings - Mr. Blonde
White guests and buildings - Mr. White
Brown guests and buildings - Mr. Brown
Orange guests and buildings - Mr. Orange
Pink guests and buildings - Mr. Pink
White birds attack - Alfred H
Fences deteriorate 100% - Russell C
Sick guests - Zeta Psi
All scenarios - Akiyama
All animal enrichment research programs - Lou Catanzaro
All animal care research programs - Adam Levesque
All animal buildings - Andrew Binder
All animal shelters available - John Wheeler
All exhibit foliage - Charlie Peterson
All staff education research programs - Hank Howie
All endangered animals research programs - Steve Serafino
Dinosaur Foliage research program - Ron Propst
Dinosaur eggs hatch faster - Eggman
All dinosaurs - Dinoman

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Zoo Tycoon: Dinosaur Digs Cheat Codes at Game Score

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